BacPat’s Christmas Reunion

The Bacpat family gathered for a Christmas reunion last December 10, 2022 at the Camp Learning resort, an outdoor venue. It was a perfect setting for students who have been locked down in their homes and out of the schools for so long.

It was the first face-to-face reunion after two Christmases under the Covid-19 pandemic.

The older scholars were excited to plan the party. They came up with a retro-themed event.

The Christmas reunion gathered the scholars who missed each other. They were joined by a few of the alumni and some parents.

Due to Bacolod Patenkinder’s support, we offered free entrance to the resort, free use of the pool, free jeepney rides to the venue.

Sumptuous and overflowing food was served for lunch and there was an all you can eat ice cream in the afternoon, courtesy of the Bacpat Alumni Association.

Fun team games were played. They swam in the pool.

In the afternoon, an Appreciation Hour was hosted by Ms. Bebol. It was an opportunity to honor and give thanks to the scholars and alumni who have shown courage and resilience during the difficult times of the pandemic and whose support to Bacpat staff have been tremendous. Tokens of succulents were given away, bearing a small placard “Thank you for being the gift that you are to Bacpat.”

No one went home empty-handed. All had fruits, chocolates and candies, grocery items and a dental and health kit containing a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, soap, alcohol, wipes, thermometer, bandaids, first aid medicines and face masks.